Vision & Mission


Association Chambers Of Commerce and Industry is an APEX industry platform which works to forge growth for MSMEs; encompassing most of the tertiary sector ; Professional bodies; other Industry Associations , Industry, Service Bodies/Chambers extensively covering Karnataka and PAN India.

Our mission is to Develop Karnataka as a robust model state thereby contributing to Indian Economy significantly by playing a Critical Role in Shaping up the Trade, Commerce; Agro based Industries ; Food processing; Renewable Energy ; Textile ; Pharma ; Education and other Service Sectors. This will allow conducive Industrial Environment of Karnataka Industry.

Our Vision is to Empower the industries in Karnataka with labour intentive Enterprise by Inculcating innovation; know how and technology upgradation That addresses the emerging market dynamics.

Thereby will leading to be a powerful facilitator and Catalyst of Growth in a Barrier less Technology Driven Global Market .

Assist MSMEs to Upscale Align And Emerge as a strong ecosystem for the rest of the country to emulate besides be an attractive , robust destination for business opportunities; ease of business and investments.